Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New Class Notice To Go Out

A few months ago, Chalona Class Counsel sent out an "Informational Notice" in which we described a few of the things going on in the Class Action.

Even though we are waiting for the Louisiana Supreme Court to rule on whether to deny or accept the "writ" (an appeal of sorts) filed by Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation in which they ask the Louisiana Supreme Court to overturn the class, we are still moving forward in order to keep you as informed as possible.

Please note that our address has changed. Our Post Office Box is now located in New Orleans.

Our 800 number remains the same, though :: 1 (800) 580-1154. If you still have not called to give us your information, and you fit the class definition found here ::

Class Definition

... then you may still call and we will send a packet out to you to gather your information and start a file.

Please keep on the lookout for the NEW CLASS NOTICE.

Check back regularly for more updates.